Thursday, 31 May 2012


As usual, after viewing  NTA national wide news, get back to my bed and pick my phone. Load on to 2go,chart for about 1-2hrs,then,load on to my blog reading list, if there is any interested piece to read, will do so, if not them would draw my blanket and close my eyes for tomorrow. I came across a status update on 2go look like these ‘Alas! People are celebrating 13 years birthday of an unborn child’. From a fellow political scientist and a good friend, humble Najibullahi Nuhu,wrote to him that, please need more light on his above status update because there is a piece about to write on Democracy. He reply that, I can use his quote but with a proper acknowlagement,which have done it.Najibullahi quiet 2go with out sharing his own opinion with me, also quiet 2go and draw my blanket, begin to think of an idea on how to write these piece.

On 29 may, 2011.President Jonathan was sworn-in to his office and on 29 may,2012. Mr.president clock a year in office as well as celebrating 13 years of Democracy in Nigeria.Demorcracy is not a new phenomenon to Nigerians, it definition and basic principles. H.B MAYO wrote ‘A democratic political system is one which makes government responsive and effectiveness depends first and foremost on the efficiency and skill of its leadership’ some of it principles include liberty, equality, rule of law, tolerance and a democratic government is carried on according to the principles lain down in constitution, citizen are sovereign and the government derived their authorities from the constitution of the nation.

To begin my analysis from 1999, first and foremost with the so-called democratic constitution of 1999.The constitution was made by military regime during the regime of Abacha/Abdulsalam. The civilian government inherited the constitution, which serve as the current constitution we have in Nigeria, a lot of amendments  was undergone by various regime in art of governance, where by millions of naira were given to our representatives in order to make law that would favour the government in power. Having knew that in democracy ‘ballot’ replace ‘bullet’, then, why Nigerian government is still using the constitution that was made by holders of Gun and bullet?. The election in 1999 was said to be illigimate  because the mandated of voters was snatch by one political party called PDP, which lain to litigation by other political parties by which the supreme court rule in favour of the incumbent government, where is the independent of Judiciary in Democracy?

Having spent good solid 8 years in power with noting to write home about, the trickery moves made by Obansanjo to allow him to remain in power for ever did not work, which paved way for another election, yet same story of injustice and electoral malpractices. No any meaningful development in the country, perherps the government of Nigeria celebrated 13 years of Democracy specifically in the administration of president Good luck Jonathan, in his transformation agenda to transform the nation but Nigeria is transpiring with scandals and scam in economics of the nation, incidence of corruption in some of they mininsteries.Corruption is now count in billions and dollars in Nigeria. Leaders without sympathy amass wealth that he and his family can not spent it, in their life time, while millions of Nigeria wallows in absolute poverty, founding it very difficult to eat three square meal.

With regard to electricity, always the moon in the night and sum in day time, except increments in tarrif,hundred of Nigerians are dead because of unscrupulous water that, the consumed, our hospitals is collapsing with  Doctors going on strike. We have delipited roads which brought genocide on road, thousand of accidents here and there. Hundred of thousands people are slaughters due to insecurity, it since the government of Nigeria has fail us, fail to protect our lives and properties. To done justice to Mr.president, one year is not enough to fix the broken nation, will reserve some critic until on 29 may 2014, if God spear our lives.

Democracy is not yet born in Nigeria because the glory of Democracy suppose to elevate the masses, developed their faculties and stimulate their patriotism toward the nation, but a great irony in the speech of Mr president on ‘Democracy day’  to renamed UNILAG as with MKO ABIOLA name. This is an arbitery rule, with out the conset of the people and the university community. Nigeria get marry to inconvianceses,the pregnant of genuine Democracy  is not yet conceived talk less of celebrating the birthday.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


My sincere gratitude to friends that sent me birth day well wish via mobile sms and other social networks, my Allah live us together as partner in progress (amen).

Senior secondary school examinations(SSCE) is prepared and administered by the west African examination council(WAEC),an organization that has operated school examination in several west Africa countries since 1954,in 1989, the SSCE replaced the west African general certificate of Education O and A level. In 1999,the  Nigerian government established the National Examination Council  of Nigeria (NECO) in other to compete with WAEC. NECO first try at offering the SSCE,on June and July 2000,the rivalry between the two exams bodies increased so much that by early 2001 there was confusion among student over which exams body to register, many register the both while few student register only one.  

In an effort to promote Nigerian patriotism and discourage ethnic rivalry, the federal government established 63 unity secondary schools around the federation with the purpose to bring boys and girls from different ethnic groups to study and live together in harmony. In the state level, government has hundred of schools in various localities of the state, but due to lack of funding, lack of conducive environment of learning and poor welfare services make the teachers to became reptile and lack of dedication and commitment to their services, which lead to the proliferations of private secondary schools, various parent prefer to take their children’s to private school because majority of the private schools gave best and quality education to their student.

Now a day many private mushroom schools were established here and there in some part of the state of the federation, just ordinary O level holder would build a two rooms house and call it a ‘school’, employed a teacher of his the same cadre or even lower, paid him less, a single teacher would be teaching  three to four subject and at the same time teaching another schools, the state universal basic education  and ministry of education are not that prudent in supervision of private schools, what they are after is just ‘money’ not the standard and quality education that would given to the student, that is why examinations malpractices is not a new phenomenon in our society, especially when it comes to SSCE.

The so-called schools would register any person in SSCE and admit him in what the called ‘SPECAIL CLASS’ which cost thirty thousand naira, the applicant would not even seat for the exams but he shall get his nine credit, for the regular students pays five hundred naira per each paper and when it comes to most wanted papers (English and math) is one thousand naira. How would Nigeria move forward? With moral and educational corruption is at the grass root level and the would be the first category of people to abuse the public looters.

There is a great need for the exams bodies to upgrade their system and to come out with a new strategies in term of recruiting their ad hoc staffs (invigilators),the federal and state ministry of education should embark on trout investigations on substandard private schools, should also try and reform the public schools, urge student to work hard to read and pray for success not to depend on ‘special class’ because  bread at hand is more better them a bread in market.  


Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Today column is a story, which will like to share with you.  Above is the pretty face of my zee, not the famous columnist,which often repost her piece here(Zainab usman),but Ummi ibrahim zee zee, she is a renown hausa movie selling face evening after saying ‘Good night’to my step mum, my sister persuade me to stay and watch one hausa movie title ‘GA FILI GA MAI DOKI’ A film by AMINU SAIRA, been knowing that I negate watching hausa movie but she said the film is nice and therefore I watch it,after watching the movie, begin to remember the kind of fun share with zee zee  because the story portrayed similar issues between zee and i.

Once upon a time in BUK during my diploma program, in a class of hundred  students  (public Admin.),suddenly my eyes on her eyes,she smile and also smile,we have an eye content for about six times.When  the lecture is over,she was about to go out,then I quickly stand right and said ‘hi’,she reply same and collect my phone dial her number and told me to her call.same day I was about to go out to up-k, then we clash around the school gate, enter her CRV we gist a well and ask me what kind of relationship do I like to do with her, reply ‘friendship and would be calling you my aunty ‘she laugh and said ‘haba sadiq,aunty is to big for me’also smile said ok what about ‘hajiya’she accepted. Ask me to help her write all the note that we did and bring it to her house. After some days I bring the materials to her house and she introduce me to her mum and brothers,entertained me and when am going back she gave me 10k and that she would not becoming to school because of other commitment, help her in any attendance, test and any other thing that may arise.

From them,we became very close friends, take me out to lunch,gardens and other recreational places, became well know with her in campus and during exams times,she use to came with different type of expensive cars(Honda element,homagip marano etc) to convey me from old site to new site and gave me some money,her lowest gift is 5k.she develop the interest of  singing and make a collaboration with Timaya which paved way  to a love relationship, hmm to extend that she is even planning to get betrothed to him,she spent thousand of money for her album title ‘my own’ and the famous track is ‘janglover’.As times goes on Timaya dump her although she did the video of her album with some lagos guys.she has not been coming to school and in first semester result is 1.00 with some carry overs and have no idea to help her.

There is a very strong relationship with her and one rich person  popularly know as ‘DAN CHINA’he spent   a lot to her and buy her many luxury cars,thinking that he is going to islamicaly get marry to her but zee refuses and denies his plans for her,there family reject her idea and even when ahead to give ‘DAN CHINA’ her sister for marriage. DAN CHINA and his boys collect almost all that he gave her,that even carpet he did not left for her and she take him to court and there was even a Freedom radio coverage about the event.

Zee call me on phone that should meet her in there new house,we spent almost 4hrs explaining to me what has happen to her and told me that  she can not cop with the school and thank me for all my concern about her, indeed that is last day I set my eyes on her.loose her content and do not know her where about,although I learn she produce another album title ‘TAURARUWA’ and read her interview in leadership newspaper,that she has a dream of getting marriage with IBB our former military head of state.ZEE may Allah help you to attain your dreams.indeed am your’s for ever

Monday, 14 May 2012


Various political party in Nigeria conducted  there menifestations in an open set in other to win the heart and soul of there voters, people adorned the party,they became crazy and dogs in politics,they are ready to sacrifice there blood for there beloved candidate,the Imam in mosque and Pastor in church would vote for him.After his election victory ,you would not see him again except his flashy cars and luxiry house.

Preceding the election year ,what next? belived one would  be thinking that,the politician have made so many promises,and is time for them to exacute policies and other developmental programm that would up-lift there society but politician would go on to there board to draw  maps,paths and road to next election.In frist-second year,the make sure that the loot  public tressure,infation rate sky rockect,high rate of unemployment and in third–fourth year in power,they make  sure that there citizen are at  maximum satisfaction with  the reason to remain in power.After April poll in 2011,what next? Is 2015, mined you,both incumbent political party and other opposition party have started mapping out stretegies to the jorney of 2015.

You have all knew about Buhari and Elrufa’i as giant heros of our political development in the nation,can said without hesitation that both of them share things in common with similar political ideology as in Congress For progressive Change(CPC),the broken heart of Buhari in April poll 2011,by which his mandated has not been attained.He asserted that,he would not contest agained and the party should decide on whom to  voted for in 2015,he still re-affarm his statement when the CPC Youth leader visit him in kaduna,as time goes on,he posit that ‘i would die in politics and it is early to quiet politics’.Buhari have started making a moves for alliances between CPC and ACN agianst the jorney to 2015.

Elrufa’i is a quautity suvevur by profession and a writer as well as political Giladiator,became so passionate with his pen,read his piece in his website and in other print mediun column.Also follow him in twitter,he is king of tweet,indeed he has captured almost all social network on internet and mobile phone applications,he  has thousand of fans with that reason,people are suggesting that ,he deserved to rule Nigeria in 2015,there was a time when the  iner  cacus of CPC declared him as there presidential asprint. Although Elrufai did not yet make any declaration for presidency in 2015 but people are yearning for him.

In great delima between two important diginarities of discussion,who should be the flag bearer of CPC,Elrufai respect Buhari so much that,he stand for him in all circumstances,hoping, they would reach concensus before the targeted year.May God help the working class to over thrown the bourgeois so that we calabrate.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


These piece was written at the monument of Abdurauf Aliyu Otaru,after receiving knowladge from it,then decided to post it here.from on-going analysis of Nigerian polity,observers has noted Nigeria as a failed state!What sweet me much is the tittled of the piece,because i really like watching vampire movies not because of there cannibalization attitude but because of there rational power of doing such.

In Nigeria, the richest persons are those who accumulate their wealth by raking it off the backs of suffering citizens. Quite often, the chief bandits are the crooked politicians and corrupt civil servants. These groups of people merely siphon the nation’s common wealth by redistributing it among themselves. In fact they discourage investments in entrepreneurial activity by encouraging investments in ‘rent-seeking’ activities– where political entrepreneurs expend resources attempting to capture the state’s largesse.
Consequently, the peculiar system of governance is so entrenched into our society and pervades all aspects of our social relations.  Citizens are forced to live with high levels of primordial instinct of the ruling elite who continuously loot our national treasury, perpetuate themselves in power and brutally suppress all dissent and opposition. Worse, the booty is not invested in Nigeria but in foreign countries.  According to a United Nation’s estimate, in 1991 alone, more than $200 billion in capital was siphoned out of Africa, (a large chunk of it from Nigeria)  by the ruling elite –that is equivalent to more than half of Africa’s total foreign debt (which stood at $320 billion in 1991).  In fact, every year, capital flight from Nigeria exceeds incoming foreign aid (the more reason I am so pleased with the recent World Bank decision to delist Nigeria from among nations to benefit from development aid in coming years).

Our country’s elites have continues to perpetuation themselves in power in order to achieve their nefarious objectives of self-aggrandizement by subverting every key institution of government: the civil service, judiciary, military, media, and banking. They even control commissions with lofty ideals that are supposed to be non-partisan and neutral, including the anti-corruption commission, human rights commission, and commission on civic education. As a result, state institutions and commissions have become paralyzed, whilst laxity, ineptitude, indiscipline and unprofessionalism flourish in the public sector.
Even though we have a police force and judiciary systems, but in many cases the police are themselves highway robbers and the judges crooks. According to The Post Express, late Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha “is believed to have siphoned more than $8 billion of Nigeria’s foreign exchange into fictitious accounts in Europe, Asia, America, Caribbean and Arab countries.”  When Olusegun Obasanjo was elected president in 1999, he launched a highly public campaign against corruption and vowed to recover the loot. By March 2000, government officials declared that $709 million and another £144 million had been recovered from the Abacha family and other top officials of his regime. But this recovered loot was itself quickly re-looted. When the then Senate Public Accounts Committee looked more closely, it found only $6.8 million and £2.8 million in the Central Bank of Nigeria. What baffles me like any other concerned Nigeria is that even the money recovered from the Abacha family was also stolen. If you recover money from a thief and you go back and steal the money, it means you are worse than the thief. We pray that similar fate will not befall the loot recently recovered from James Ibori the erstwhile governor of Delta state.
Obviously, we now live in a vampire state that needs to be reformed. Power needs to be taken out of the hands of the thieving elite and given to the people where it belongs. This means that we must urgently begin the process of democratization, market liberalization, decentralization or diffusion of power, and also adopt power-sharing arrangements. The existing politics of exclusion must also be replaced by the politics of inclusion. In addition, state institutions must be reformed so that transparency, accountability and professionalism prevail. These reforms if well implemented will help establish an environment conductive to investment and economic activity in the country.

As an economist, I strongly believe that investment -- both domestic and foreign – can greatly assist Nigeria’s move out of its present economic miasma. But our present environment of chaos, social disorder, poor leadership, bad governance, corruption and collapsed infrastructure repels investment. This is the reason why Nigeria has remained so unattractive to foreign investors that, over the decades, official development assistance (or foreign aid) has replaced private capital as the primary source of development funding.
We also need to dismantle the abominable political and economic systems established by our greedy postcolonial elites and replace them with systems based on a market economy and the politics of inclusion. Moreover, our traditional system of governance seems to be more of a participatory democracy than what we practice now. Hence, it is important that we return to and build upon our own institutions which have over the years been subsumed in the new mantra “modernization.”