Wednesday, 26 September 2012


The need for political stability in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. Indeed, all segments of the Nigerian society are interested in the political future of the nation. However, this interest is approached from various dimensions. A major interest in the Nigerian polity is the relationship between religion and politics. The Nigerian society is religiously pluralized and this significantly influences political decisions and policies of the nation. On the other hand, there are people who hold the strong opinion that this relationship should not be stressed and that religion and politics should be allowed to operate separately without one interfering with the other. Those who hold this view argued essentially from the position that religion mixed politics is mostly like to imbibe various vices associated with politics. Also politics may not be properly and dispassionately played if mixed with religion. The objectives of this paper is to reexamine the age old controversy on the   relationship that should obtain between religion  and politics in particular. It seeks to bring into focus, the Nigerian situation. This has to do with how particularly the often vexed questions, politicization of religion in Nigeria. The paper will therefore attempt to suggest workable formula for a complementary relationship between religious and politics for a stable, united and progressive Nigeria.

KEY CONCEPTS: Religion, Politics, Pluralism
RELIGION:  A unified system of belief and practices which unite into one moral community all those who adhere to them (Aderibigbe and Aiyegboyin, 1997: 7) Durkheim draws his popular dictum of relationship between the sacred and the profane. He traces religious origin to socio-political associations with their set of rules and regulations.
POLITICS:  The struggle for power which itself is the authority to determine or formulate and execute decisions and policies, which must be accepted by the society……it is the struggle for power of governance, especially executive authority (Onyekpe 1998: 16) according to this argument, the struggle for or the acquisition of power and the reaction of the society to it, depend greatly on the level of political development of the country.
PLURALISM: Implies the existence of many groups of people, whether tribal, ethnic, political or religious.  Therefore, a religious pluralistic society will refer to an environment where there are many religious beliefs, concepts or ideologies.

In recent decades, religion has become an important factor both in public debates and as a means of political mobilization in Nigeria. Today, Muslim and Christian communities and organizations in Nigeria are publicly questioning the legitimacy of secular post-colonial state. One reason for the importance of this topic is that religions often make strong claims on people’s allegiance, and universal religions make claims on all the people rather than just a particular community. For example, Islam has traditionally held that all people owe obedience to Allah’s will. Thus, it is probably inevitable that religious commitment will sometimes come into conflict with the demand of politics. But religious beliefs and practices also potentially support politics in many ways. The extent and form of this support is as important to political thinkers as is the possibility for conflict.

There are wide and varied opinion and perspectives about the relationship between religion and politics in Nigeria. Scholars, researchers, and thinkers came up with different positions about politics and religion, some of these perspectives are;
v According to Adiola  Aderonmu (2006); one of the most disturbing issues in the unification of Nigeria is religion
v Ake, C., Jega, A. and Jinaid (1995,2002,2001) argues, the close interaction between Nigeria state, and religious and faith based organization reflects the widespread perception that Nigeria is not a secular state
v Also, Ozegwu, Kuka, M and Jibril; the existence of several religious in Nigeria was viewed to accentuate regional and ethnic distinctions.
v On the other hand, the political engagement of religious groups and their provision of services in areas where the state has failed to deliver present an ideological and practical challenge to the state. (Corten and Marshal Frutani, 2001:Soares and Otayek, 2007)
v Religious politics do not affect the state in a coherent or uniform way, instead having a complex and even contradictory impact on the state and institutions( Love, 2006; Philpott, 2007)
v S.O. Abogunrin, opines that religion and politics are two inseparable institutions in the human social psyche and structure. He equally asserts that earthly governments are mere agents of God’s theocratic governance of physical and spiritual world ( Abogurin, 1984: 118)
v R.D. Abubakar, suggest that Islam is a way of life, which dictates the political ideology and practice in any Islamic society. He points that, the ideals of Islam is a good guide to political conducts, but the practices of such ideas are usually influenced by the socio-cultural institutions in the society, including politics.
v From another dimension, Religion and politics are entangling in an unholy matrimony in Nigeria. We have to sue for divorce if Nigeria is to be united in purpose and destiny. (Eppele, A.,Okungbowa,S.,Kenneth Cauthen ,2001, 2011, 2006, and 1984)
v In the same vein; Nigeria will not be a modern nation until called a spate, a spate, by separating religion and politics (Asiwaju, T. and Fashewun, F. cited in the tribune 2001)
v Also, according to Pius Oyediran (2011) the removal of religion from politics will create less room for national or federal tension
v According to UNDP report,(1999) that 50.4% of Nigerians are muslims 48.2% are catholic, 31.5% are protestant, and 40.7% belongs to other Christians denomination. While igbos in the east and Ijwas in the south are 98% Christians catholic

After a cross examination and re-examination of various literature and evidences gathered and the one just presented by my colleague, we came to realize that there is a serious clear manifestation of the interplay between religions and politics in Nigerian political arena. Therefore, by way of establishing our arguments, we employ some yardsticks or tools in analysing the area interplay between religion and politics;
v Appointment and placement
v Election and electioneering process ( voting behavior)
v National politics
v Indigene and settlers factors
v Resource distribution
This paper is concluded with the assertion that the over roll effect or influence of religion on Nigerian politics has been much more negative than positive. This is because, it has resulted in so many catastrophic crises with so many attendant consequences ( Tourekaza Toure 2005). Such crises include the intractable  jos crisis, the miss world crisis, the Lagos and Shagamu crises and many more
In spite of the foregoing negative assertion, religion has equally been serving as a stabilizing force in Nigeria, especially if drawn from the two dominant religions in Nigeria, that is Islam and Christianity and the role played by the two dominate religious bodies, that is the supreme council for Islamic affairs (SCIA) and the Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN).


  1. You forgot to mention the imminent boko haram crisis that we are still battling with. God will help us all

  2. ameen!my blog queen and thanks for remainders. Diary has wrote alot on boko haram issues.

  3. the interplay between them has both positive and negative sides

  4. What a nice paper. Keep the good work up

  5. this is a great paper part of what am working on

  6. UMORU CALLISTUS11 May 2018 at 15:04

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