Tuesday, 23 August 2011


All protocol are duly recognize and observe.Is of great privilege and  honor  standing  here before  you  to  represent  my country Kenya.

my country encourage market oriented economy and it nevertheless involved itself directly in many sector to guarantee the social security of its citizens.The largest service sector in my country is tourism and it is of great importance globally.My country under the GATS agreement is not very competitive with developed countries that have a well developed service sector in transportation,tourism,financial institution and health service.
The health service is not accessible neither affordable to almost all citizen of Kenya,because of poverty,poor shape of the economy and the cost of health facilities as well as drugs,indeed it became piratically impossible to guarantee the health of citizen of Kenyan without subsidy.Distinguished delegates,the provision of liberalization of health service under the GATS would not be respected by my Government.
 The mode (4) categories of GATS  which offered service through "presence  of natural person" in another  country has reduce  human in my country especially medical personnel  where  by there is only one doctor  for  every (33,000) rural  populations and one doctor for every (700) urban resident.It also leads to brain drain and importation of highly infection disease.

In an attempt to liberalize the health insurance,for example the national and foreign health insurance firms or even the health maintenance organizations are located in the lucrative urban area hence leaving the rural area uninsured.

Miss chairlady,i would like you to take notice that basic Human needs such as water,education,health care are not items to be brought under a multilateral set up of trade,these are basic human needs and therefore need to be left government and there citizen to decide in what to do with these service.My country is poor nation and it is wrong to push such a poor nation to open its service sector while the developed nation are allowed to place tariff and non tariff barriers.Thus creating unequal trade relation. THANK YOU ALL.   


  1. is coming off second semester insha Allah.do not miss it.....come and see
    the politics of international relation of economic affect your livves.........


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