Thursday, 29 December 2011


Security has become a primary challenge of a nation. The spending of over 1.1 trillion of 2011 budget on SECURITY has brought no meaningful development rather insecurity which is bedeviling the government and Nigerian as whole. The incidence of arm robbery, kidnapping, human trafficking, and the issue of Boko Haram and Niger Delta militant which resulted to sudden death and destruction of property of Nigerian.
The recent bomb blast in some state of the Northern part of Nigeria and also the explosion of an Arabic school in Sapele Delta State on Wednesday depict that the nation is in state of insecurity. The 2011 budget was made by the late Yar’adua Administration with the incumbent president as his running mate than; the April polls give Mr. President Mandate to carry on! Since then, Mr. President has being propagating sweet talks and making promises to transform Nigeria into a better nation. But in a Hausas proverb that said “to jumb from the frying pan into the fire” just as the 2012 budget propose to security.
Security is among the recurrent expenditure of the 2012 budget appropriation Bill presented to the National Assembly last week by Mr. President to about N927.91 billion covering about 20 percent of the budget, more than the appropriation to education, agriculture, health, water resource, transport, Land & housing, as well as other infrastructure. The budget proposal is still at the ball court of the national house of assemble, whether to approved it or declare it null and void.

A 1.1 Trillion Naira on security has wasted which brought noting but chaos, chaotic, and precarious condition, as now we are almost saying Good bye to 2011 in compare with N927.91 billion on security in 2012.A TRANSFORMATION or RETROGRESSIVE? The money spend on security in 2011 is much more higher than the expected money to be spent in 2012 to cater for capital and recurrent need of our armed forces, the police, the amnesty Programme and the Para-military agencies that make up our security sector.

Considering the scenario, we are now Mr. President suppose to give 30 percent of it budget to security in 2012 to have a strong security sector, having knew that 26% of the budget in 2011 has failed to promote peace hence, need to be adjusted and upgraded as a student that is train in power and political analysis, remind me of a book title ‘ The PRINCE” by NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI which stated that “one most be a fox in order to recognize traps and a lion to frighten off wolves”. Am not in pessimism that, the members of National Assembly would approve the 20% budget propose to security sector in 2012, because it will enhance safety, peace and socio-economic development of the country.
The N 927.91 billion should be used deliciously to buy surveillance cameras, bullet proofs, and bomb dictators in other to traps enemies of state and peace.Religious leaders and stakeholders should put hands on deck to support security personnel in ensuring peace in the federation.


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