Thursday, 26 April 2012


Am highly delighted in writting  these piece with my new laptop,thank you so much Dad.Business of the day is to explore imperialism  in Nigeria,it meaning and how it was started and why there is a need for it divorce?

Imperialism is the higest stage of dependency in socio-economic and political structure of any given country,it has been define also as the total political subjugation and economic exploitation of a stronge country to the weaker once.Imperialism is an old phenomenon right from the era of mercentalism-slavery,the slave’s are treated like beast of burden,they were flogged constantly,notting like love and respect to humanity.The colonial imperialist also monopolised economic activities and impossed taxes,which no one can affored to paid it upon all the natural resource that God has endowed us with,yet it has been annexed by colonial imperialism to the extent that there prosperity has been buit on our poverty,the lower the price we were paid for  our resources the higher the price we have had to pay for manufacture made out of the same natural resources purchased from us.

The modern phase of imperialism is know as Neo-colonialism which mal.maisara of (pol.sci.dept.buk) refre to it as ‘old wine in a new bottle’meaning Nigeria and Africa in general are given indepedent with national anthem and flag but our economic is totaly controlled by the giant international financial institutions,paris clubs,bretton wood community and large conglomerate.millitry and civilian regimes in nigeria have undergone a serious love relationship which lead to marriage with those giant institutions.The wife give birth to a child during IBB regime named as SAP,the child became a devil in the means of Nigerians and therefore the table there complained to his father,but there is a stronge love between the father and his son.Almost all the various ministrie and institution of the nation as of  them when on strike actions and demostrations against the child and his father,there was a change of government with a new policy.

In the recent Democractic dispensiations,they marriage celabrate there wedding anneversory in Nigeria,with president Goodluck Jonathan,minister of finance Dr Ngozi Ikonjo iweala and central bank Governor mal.Sunusi Lamido sunusi,by removing subsidy on fuel.Hundred thousand of Nigerians came out in mass to say ‘no’ to ‘subsidy removal’.The Government has all one may think off and therefore controlled the protest,adjusted the price of fuel to #97 per liter.Hance the marrige gave birth to another child name as ‘SURE-P’.Majority of Nigerians are not securing any benafit of these marriage and therefore need an urgent divorce because in international community notting come’s and goes free,the financial institutions invest to earn profit and vanish our own economic with no portable drinkable water,standred road network,affordable hospitals and schools except a commercialisations and privatasitations of public goods.


  1. Imperialism is a kind of curse, especially to African countries. These African countries cannot easily get themselves out of the shackle from big western powers, because they are so entangled and enslaved that divorcing will require a gigantic effort.


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