by Muh'd Dahiru Aminu
The Classical Greek philosopher, Plato, in his famous Republic, noted that the heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to you. It doesn’t matter if one is charmed by philosophy or not, but, in today’s Nigeria, Plato’s statement does not only inscribe the basis for Nigeria’s character defect, it equally awakens the subject of inept leadership that has served as a classic peculiarity of our country.
The Classical Greek philosopher, Plato, in his famous Republic, noted that the heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to you. It doesn’t matter if one is charmed by philosophy or not, but, in today’s Nigeria, Plato’s statement does not only inscribe the basis for Nigeria’s character defect, it equally awakens the subject of inept leadership that has served as a classic peculiarity of our country.
from 1999, when Nigeria transitioned to democratic rule, the most troubling
start for the country at that period seemed to be that the bunch of the
politicians that launched the democratic system—or the republic—as a
representative form of government, were, to put it sympathetically, inept. It
won’t be too tasking to reckon that at the time, most people that signed up to
politics and contested elections were hardly tied up to an auspicious career. In
the Nigerian clime, such a people of discouraging futures—career wise—are most
ably eligible to contest political offices. Nigeria’s 1999 transition to
democratic rule was, therefore, a perfect point—in the history of the country—in
which the crooked amongst us had the ideal opportunity to take control of power,
which they did relentlessly.
It was
regrettable that at the time, credible Nigerians with integrity and honour
couldn’t have considered venturing forth to partisan politics, perhaps for the
time-honoured presumption—that not only is partisan politics most suitable for
people of discouraging futures; without active careers to build—that politics
itself is a dirty game. Out of their own volition—and at the peril of our
country’s future—credible Nigerians with unmatched track records in the public
and private sectors of the economy; who had their careers on the upswing
couldn’t think through abandoning their otherwise assuring professions only to
take the deep plunge into the murky waters of politics that carried with itself
the overt currents of uncertainty. Although Nigeria was successful in leaping
out of successive military dictatorships, it unfortunately leapfrogged into a
democracy guided by the mostly incompetent ones found from our within; an
oubliette democracy, if one may call it that.
regrettably, like Plato has told us, in the end, everything boils down to
politics, whether or not we like it. Decisions taken by politicians today have a
way of influencing and shaping all aspects of our individual and collective
lives. From education, arts, literature, agriculture, economics, labour, and
manufacturing, and to all other sectors of the society, the influence of
decisions taken by politicians can never be played down. Thus, the disregard and
neglect for partisan politics by more competent people in the country—as opposed
to the crooked—must be the single most elemental factor that is responsible for
the sundry of issues Nigeria is battling with today. In a country of more than a
hundred and fifty million people—that lays claim to professionals and experts in
almost all facets of any and every preoccupation—it is quite biting and most
strange that the political showground of Nigeria’s democracy has been
subjugated—in the majority—by the mostly ineffectual elements of society.
There is
an insistent need to overturn this trend by encouraging and reassuring the fine,
adept people amongst us to answer a calling in partisan politics by joining the
socio-political system at all levels; local and central. It is high time we saw
participation in partisan politics from an untainted, unsoiled perspective. We
must collectively raise the spirits of our people so they could get a handle on
the fact that partaking in partisan politics is not dirty, all together. No one
should be made to feel that to sign up to and engage in partisan politics is
akin to risking one’s sanity. Rather, it should be seen as an avenue for
enervating one’s rationality; the ability to go in there, takeover the polity
from the hands of the mostly crooked, and to unfetter the sufferings of our
people from a life of captivity, oppression, and suppression.
civil society groups have a duty to encourage young Nigerians possessing the
passion and the instinctive intuition of managing people and resources to join
politics, en bloc. For quite a while, Nigeria has been losing the dexterity of
the sharp-witted amongst us. Our people, out of disappointments have either left
the country for the far-off; never committed to returning home until the days of
innocence is recouped once again, or have chosen to live a somewhat quiet life
in the academia and other sectors of our society. Nigerians with exceptional
skills and capacity to spearhead the affairs of the country must be ready to
contest elections at all levels of government, from the peripheral to the
momentous improvement is certain for Nigeria until we all are ready to succumb
to a logical, hard-nosed decision, to reverse the institutional challenges that
confront us on a daily life, which obviously are all attributable to a
miscarried, mercilessly corrupt leadership. Not only must we contest for
political offices to change the course of action in governance, we should rally
round and abet candidates for political office who have got a history that is
free of venality and corruption.
importantly, incentives and perks that has become the enticing inspiration for
aspiring to win and to occupy political offices must be grossly reduced so as to
make such offices not as much attractive to perverts. Doing this will ensure
that the best natured amongst us present themselves for political offices more
willingly than the dishonest. Electioneering processes should also be conducted
in a more maven approach where potential candidates for political offices are
called to debate and deliberate on matters of contemporaneity, and how to set
about tackling societal problems.
Not to
overlook, the society should also enact and uphold stringent laws of inflexible
penances that would effectively deal with persons caught within the webs of
graft as a way of demonstrating deterrence to would-be duplicitous offences
often committed in public service. All these and more can be achieved, just so
we could reverse the awful trend we are faced with; the heaviest penalty—to
quote Plato—that we all have unduly been punished with, for not daring to
participate in partisan politics, and for declining to rule.
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